Opening To Channel
One-on-One Mentoring
Do you find yourself asking, wondering––
How can I embody and strengthen my internal guidance?
or, What does this moment, situation, look like from a higher perspective?
Or maybe you want to know, How do I know if I am receiving answers from my higher self, my Soul?
How can I tell if I'm really channeling?
Or, perhaps you already have a strong connection but somehow come up with more self-doubts than self-assurance. You may be asking—
What if I’m just making the answers up in my head?
Is it really even possible to connect with Angels, Guides, and Loved ones that I recognize?
What kind of information, guidance, am I connecting to?
And how can I bring this connection more deeply into the work I'm already doing?
What if you truly knew that during every moment in your life you are never alone? That at any moment, your guides are here to help you navigate your life and experiences?
I would love to help you strengthen and deepen your connection to You, your guides and your own embodied knowing.
Practical Guidance & Support

You are love, you are love, you are love....
––The Mindful Heart
Know that your desire to be able to consciously and deliberately connect with the higher realms is present because you know deep down that making this connection and being able to receive the guidance you continually request is central to changing your life in unfathomable ways, of allowing you to blossom as a spiritually awakened person. Whether you want to connect more deeply in your current life, or broaden your skills as a guide, counselor, coach, astrologer, sound healer, body worker, artist or more, know that you can through trusting your inner guidance.
And you don't have to be in the healing arts.
You can connect with the abundant knowledge and resources the Universe has to offer, because You are a multidimensional Being. Know too, as you begin to open to channel, you can trust too there are ebbs and flows in receiving, so you can relax instead of going into doubt and questioning if you are able to receive.
When you are in the energetics of your Soul, you are One with Spiritual energy––you feel, experience, transmit the light of Spirit. ––The Mindful Heart
Believe you can do this––because it’s available to everyone of us if we choose to allow ourselves to open to it.
Most people who attempt to open to channeling and/or connect with their deeper or higher guidance become overwhelmed with so many doubts and fears that they just give up or are too afraid or are not ready to make the changes shown to them to help support their journey. Or, they expect that it is simply a process—a step-by-step recipe—that will happen simply by applying their minds to it. And when it doesn’t happen this way, they become disappointed.
Opening to Channel and our higher guidance is simply that—an opening into the deeper aspects of ourselves. It is heart oriented, experientially known. It’s a process of self-trust and allowance—not one of force and will. It is a journey into the deeper depths and heights of who and what we are. Receiving support and confirmation and guidance in ways to deepen the connection for a period of can give you a strong foundation from which to move forward.
Channeling is connection to our higher guidance—not our personality or ego that is being expressed, embodied.
Channeling is a practice of letting go and allowing, but you can get support in knowing what it feels like for you, what the experience of embodiment and channeling is for you, so that you can continue to connect and open to channeling more regularly, more consistently, more easily and with greater love and compassion for who you are. And being mentored is a great way to do this--not just for a few sessions but for a longer period of time so that you come to trust physically in what you are receiving, opening to.
As you open more as a channel, there are many benefits:
You’re able to ask more easily the questions you feel you need higher insight or guidance with.
You begin to know, truly feel, that you are not alone.
You begin to understand how it can naturally integrate into what you are already doing.
Your vitality, energy, and rest take on a deeper, more vibrant feeling.
Your intuition deepens and expands, and you begin to build your own language of understanding.
You begin to not only understand but know what your true purpose in being here is.
You begin to realize and see there is nothing in this life that is not meant for our growth and evolution.
You begin to know you can receive guidance and recognize that guidance when you receive it.
You learn to recognize more easily how your higher self and guides speak to You and through you.
And more importantly, you begin to love you, trust you, believe in You, more fluidly, easily each day.
You begin to understand more clearly what real self-love is... And, how we are all connected.
Allannah's Story...
Coming from the academic world, channeling was the last thing I’d have thought of myself doing and way outside of my comfort zone. But the truth is now, it is the most central and beautiful thing to knowing who I am––whether I’m channeling for a group or simply writing and channeling for myself. The connection is so beautiful, so filled with love, so expansive and tender, and never, ever filled with demands or directives. Learn more about Allannah's story....
Working With Me
With step-by-step one-on-one mentoring in an initial 3 month program, you can build and strengthen your own connection to your guides, your higher self. You can learn to feel and strengthen when you are in the presence of higher consciousness coming through you. It is not an unfamiliar state for many people––except we often don’t recognize or acknowledge what it is and so we often dismiss it. Some have called it ‘flow’ or ‘being in the zone’ when they are creating or engaged in an activity or skill they’ve deeply devoted themselves to. And some come to it naturally in stillness as they allow a beautiful deepening energy to flow through. Just know, it is not ‘other’––you’ve actually experienced this connection many times.
In my one-on-one mentoring, you get the guidance that’s ‘right’ for you in the moment—to help you further open to your own multidimensional Being. You learn to:
Allow your mind to quiet with ease and compassion in its own time, even while thoughts may trail through.
Become more aware of the doubts, fears and blocks that you didn’t realize were there and holding you back and begin to eliminate these one-by-one by experience and/or distinct RTT sessions.
Understand how the energy of the higher realms is coming through you specifically and not in a ‘general way’ so you have to wonder, guess, if you are doing it “right”––we each have our own unique experience.
Successfully channel your own Higher Self, connect to guides, angels or loved ones (once you open to channel you can connect with many higher consciousnesses over time.)
Better decipher between your own ego-mind perceptions and the channeled information that you have received.
Have a range of practices that can help you continue to expand on your connection day-after-day and month-after-month and just know, ‘they are there for you…’.
Trust, feel and know in your body when you are connecting with these higher consciousnesses who are eager to share their loving support, guidance, and wisdom with you at anytime.
Recognize your own signs and learn the language of them.
What's Included in One-on-Mentoring
8 Individual mentoring sessions spread over 3 months.
2 RTT Sessions to help you identify and release hidden beliefs blocking you from allowing fuller connection to your higher
self and your own intuition.
2 Gnosis Meditations recorded especially for you.
In addition, you will also receive breathing and somatic exercises to do between sessions, guidance in transitioning from writing to speaking if you so choose, and guidance on how to consistently invite in your connection that is specific to you.
Your Investment: $1,397.
(Payment options available)
Who is the Opening to Channel Program for?
For those who already have a strong heart practice and know they are being guided, compelled to more, or already have a connection with a specific guide, angel, higher consciousness and want to deepen and expand their connection not only through writing but speaking.
For those who have been introduced to channeling through shorter group sessions but want to deepen, expand, and build their connection.
For those who have already channeled in writing but still feel unsure of their connection and want to know more assuredly what’s channeled and what’s personality or ego-based in their channeled writing and develop further.
For those who are opening to light language and want to deepen into the experience and healing aspect of it and begin to know intuitively what it is specifically related to so they can share it with others.
Who The Mentoring Program Is Not For
Connecting to your guides is an opening of oneself, a deep ongoing journey and connection that takes you into You. So much comes up to be released when we open ourselves to higher consciousness. It is a healing and transformative journey. It will change you in ways that are hard to comprehend before-hand, because it is a unique journey for every person. It is deepening into the truth of who and what You are and allowing that expression through. If you are not ready to take this journey, know then, that it's simply not the time. We are all exactly where we need to be.

Before my sessions with Allannah, I was feeling stressed about defining the scope of my healing and spiritual work. As soon as Allannah started channeling in our sessions, I could feel a shift. My heart was more open, and I could feel a very loving presence. I was at ease and relaxed. The guides explained that what I was doing in my sessions with clients was actually much more than how I was envisioning it. They compared it to singing an entire scale rather just one note and went on to show me more of my own capacities and skills.
Because of what I was shown by them, I have easily been able to expand my perspective and awareness, and things are more in flow. I've been adding new things to go deeper into each client’s needs, and this has been an effortless transition. My intuition is guiding me to things I would have never thought of and people are having profound releases. I am so grateful for what I was shown by the Guides–that they were able to convey to me what it meant for me to ‘play the entire scale’ rather than a single note in my client sessions.
My sessions with Allannah have been very profound. The energy that comes through when the Guides come in is beautifully loving. Very intense, profound, and heart-centered. Allannah, is also very professional and caring in her sessions. She walked me through breathing to get me centered and present before we began. I've loved the work.
Velentaya Reese, Vibrational Linguist & Visual Effects Artist, NY